• “Darla is a natural motivator: she teaches from her heart, from her life, and from her life’s work. Whether engaging as a friend, mentor, or employer, it is obvious she cares deeply about process, fairness, and above all, bringing a positive vibration!”

    — Michelle Curry Wright, Writer, artist, Health Coach

  • "Darla is a Truth-seeker. She inspires others to seek the truth within themselves and to speak that truth. Through her journey of healing and recovery she has become a great leader and teacher, walking with others in their heart consciousness process and healing. She is truly an inspiration!"

    — Delia Miller, MSW

  • "Darla has been an inspirational, entrepreneur, teacher, artist and friend that I can say is brimming with creative soul delving lessons to help us all uncover our true essence and calling. I recommend you experience her talents and personality to enhance your lifestyle!"

    — Patty Kennet, Entreprenuer, healer, artist / Colorado

  • "When Darla shares herself with others — whether speaking professionally in public, or personally sharing one-on-one — you are moved. Darla is passionate about being the change in the world that she so desires to see. Her passion captivates you when she speaks; and you go away feeling energized, positive, and renewed."

    – Julene Boritz, entrepreneur / Michigan

  • "Darla is a Truth-seeker. She inspires others to seek and speak the truth within themselves. Through her own journey of healing and recovery, she has become an effective leader and teacher, walking with others as they heal and develop their own heart consciousness. She is truly an inspiration!"

    – Delia Miller, MSW / Indiana

  • “Darla holds her truth solid, yet leaves the road open for change to reach her vision. My deepest testimony is what I have learned from her about life and the healing process. She presents herself as a pioneer woman and a pioneer woman must have a pioneer heart as she does. She communicates to others that the pilgrimage of life doesn’t always mean the road you travel has been plowed out before us."

    – Caroline Bolin, Artist

  • "I am so fortunate and grateful to be acquainted with Darla Loomis. I am actually one of her employees but, in the 4 years that I have worked for her company, she has bestowed upon me so much of her love and grace, she is more my friend and mentor than my employer."

    – Sarah Lyons